Small Engine Repair Reference Center
Content contained in the Small Engine Repair Reference Center database, from EBSCOhost, is derived from the full set of small engine repair manuals from Clymer ( Clymer repair manuals provide step-by-step procedures based upon the complete disassembly of the machine. The manuals cover larger engines from motorcycles, ATVs, Marine/Boat motors, Personal Watercraft engines and snowmobiles, as well as smaller engines, like lawn mowers, tractors, snow blowers, tillers, generators and more.
SPIE Digital Library
Technology Collection (ProQuest)
The Technology Collection, from ProQuest, includes the Advanced Technology & Aerospace and Materials Science & Engineering Databases. It combines broad indexing coverage of the scholarly literature in advanced technology, computer science, engineering, materials science and related areas with full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
U.S. Major Dailies
U.S. Major Dailies provides access to the five most respected US national and regional newspapers, including The New York Times and Washington Post, co-exclusive access to The Wall Street Journal, and exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. The content is available by 0800 each day and provides archives stretching as far back as 1985.
Zoological Record
Zoological Record (1983-present) is the world's leading taxonomic reference and oldest continuing database of animal biology. Users can keep up on all aspects of animal biology and biodiversity issues. The database allows users to determine the first appearance of an animal name or new species and track taxonomic and nomenclatural changes. Accessible via the Web of Science platform.